En Term | En Description |
Server log file | file, created by the server, which records all requests and orders received from the client to a dealer, as well as the processing result, with 1 second accuracy |
Spread | the difference in pips between the Bid and the Ask quote |
Support level | lowest channel’s borderline |
Swap | the amount of money deducted from or added to a client account for the overnight position |
Ticker | a unique identification number given to each open position or a pending order in a trading platform |
Trade operation volume | number of lots multiplied by lot size |
Trader | person, who trades currency on the Forex market in order to earn profit |
Trading Account | unique personalized stock-taking operations register on the trading platform, where complete closed transactions, opened positions, non-market operations and orders are reflected |
Trading operation | an act of buying or selling any instrument performed by the client |
Trading platform | software and technical facilities that provide the transmission of financial trading information in real time mode, execution of trading operations with account of mutual obligations between the client and the dealer, and control of conditions and restrictions. For the purposes of the present regulation, it consists of "Server" and "Client terminal" |